Speaker 1:
How can I help my case?
Speaker 2:
How can I help my case? By not calling your attorney every 30 minutes. The best way to help your case is to help your attorney with whatever they need. What you need to understand is that an attorney cannot charge you a million dollars every case because they can’t spend that long on your case.
We take a lot of time and we flat fee everything and we have a process, but an attorney cannot go and get you a birth certificate from your country or can’t get you a marriage license and can’t get you, can’t get you, can’t get you a lot of things that you can help them. So there are several ways that you can help your attorney.
Give them the documents that they actually need from you. When they call you and ask you a question, don’t wait too long. Help them through the process. And even though attorneys sometimes don’t answer the phone and all of that stuff, just don’t call them. Don’t call them three or four times a week, ask them for a status update.
What you need to understand is that attorneys legally need to tell you about your case and how it’s going. They will get in trouble with the Florida Bar or whatever Bar Association if they don’t keep you updated with your case. So the best way to help your attorney is to give them whatever they need and be as patient as you can because know that we are working on your case.
So don’t call them and pamper them with requests for updates too much and that’s how you can help.
Sorry, I got to go to the bathroom.